EN Postflopizer GTO Solver Update: Automatic Optimal Bet Sizes Finder A new update to Postflopizer Postflop GTO Solver introduces advanced features that automate finding the optimal bet sizes, significantly improving strategy optimization and time efficiency
EN PioSOLVER vs. Postflopizer — 2024 GTO Solver Comparison Learn why professional poker players choose Postflopizer GTO Solver in 2024 over PioSOLVER.
EN Free Postflopizer Tournament Postflop GTO Solver Exclusive Test Drive & Sale Take your tournament poker strategy to the next level with a free one-month test drive of Postflopizer. Get a 20% discount on subscriptions with the code PFICM20. Download now to access GTO Solver tools and ICM-based postflop MTT calculations.
EN Node locking in Postflopizer GTO Solver Learn how to optimize your poker strategy using Postflopizer GTO solver and node locking. Discover how to exploit opponent weaknesses and enhance your gameplay in real-life poker situations.
EN Postflop Strategy in PKO Tournaments with TrueBounty Model in Postflopizer Learn how to properly analyze Postflop Strategy in PKO tournaments.
EN Postflop ICM with a SNG Hand History Review & Analysis in Postflopizer Postflop Bubble Strategy gets tricky in the 9-max SNGs.
EN Postflopizer Tournament Postflop Analysis Exclusive Preview Exciting Update for paying ICMIZER Users: Free Exclusive Access to Postflopizer
EN Postflop MTT ICM Tournament GTO Calculations with Postflopizer Learn how to perform Postflop Tournament calculations with ICM
EN Postflopizer Update: Advanced Tournament (ICM, MTT, PKO) Support Explore the latest Postflopizer update featuring advanced ICMIZER tournament functionality with ICM models, MTT, PKO support, and postflop GTO simulations.
EN How to review a hand using GTO Solver Postflopizer Learn what some of the most important questions you should be asking yourself in a post flop hand review, and see how you can arrive at meaningful answers using Postflopizer GTO Solver.
EN Advanced Postflopizer Tutorial—Everything You Need to Know Learn Advanced Features of Postflopizer: Node Locking, Tree Editing, Runout Analysis, and more.
EN Postflop GTO for Beginners—POSTFLOPIZER Tutorial by Collin Moshman Beginner tutorial for mastering Postflopizer GTO analytical features
VIDEO Beyond the Flop: Introducing the POSTFLOPIZER GTO Solver! Redefining the postflop poker tools landscape with POSTFLOPIZER, the new postflop GTO solver from the team behind ICMIZER. With a myriad of cutting-edge features, it's more than just a GTO solver—it's your ultimate poker companion.
EN Progressive Knockout Tournament Strategy with ICMIZER In this video professional poker player and coach, Mike Wasserman explains how to efficiently use ICMIZER when reviewing PKO Tournament hand histories and utilize powerful TrueBounty model.
EN ICMIZER 3.22.0 – MTT Coach and Replayer Quality of Life Improvements In the ICMIZER 3.22.0 update, we've made some quality of life improvements in MTT Coach and Replayer
EN Why busting early in the tournament is worse than you think Bubbling is brutal but if it happens to you, it means you played well enough to put yourself in a position to play in a profitable spot. Busting first hand of a tournament is always a disaster strategically. If you think busting early in poker tournaments is a good thing, you are doing them wrong.
EN Poker ICM 101: What is ICM poker? ICM poker term explained The ICM poker term stands for the Independent Chip Model. In poker ICM allows to convert tournament players stacks in chips into their money equity (as percentage of total or remaining prize pool).
EN GTO Poker Solvers – PioSolver Review Today the GTO poker solver is undoubtedly a must-have poker tool for any professional poker player to spend time learning GTO strategy and doesn't fall behind their opponents. You can practice the GTO strategy with solvers and significantly improve your postflop skills.
EN Kick-Off on PokerStars – Poker Strategy, Rules & Rake Behind tricky definitions and obscure phrases like "sprint" or "finish line" hides a 4-way fast-paced PKO (Progressive Knockout) tournament with large blinds and the majority of hands played at the push/fold stage and no classic prize pool.
RU Kick-Off на PokerStars – Стратегия, Правила и Рейк За нечеткими определениями и размытыми фразами вроде «спринт» или «финишная лента» скрываются быстрые 4-макс турниры без классического призового фонда с прогрессивными нокаутами и крупными блайндами, а большинство раздач играется в пуш-фолд стадии.
RU SNG Coach Теперь MTT Coach с Удобным Списком Квизов и Фильтром Наш турнирный пуш-фолд тренер называется MTT Coach. Мы обновили список доступных квизов и добавили удобный фильтр.
EN SNG Coach Is Now MTT Coach with a New Quiz List and Filter We've significantly improved the usability of the personal adaptive push/fold coach and changed the name to more relevant to its set of tools and features – MTT Coach.
EN High Cost of Not Being Aggressive Enough Without ICMIZER Most players do not recognise how aggressive they can be. When you have studied ICMIZER in depth, you will learn how to capitalise on a chip lead on the bubble by building a huge stack for the final table.
RU Избавьтесь всего от одной дорогой турнирной ошибки и быстро окупите покупку ICMIZER Используя ICMIZER, мы покажем вам, что одна типовая ошибка, которая на ранних стадиях турнира стоит доли бай-ина, в финальной стадии турнира стоит уже несколько бай-инов за одну раздачу.
EN How does ICMIZER quickly pay for itself for tournament poker players Using ICMIZER we are going to show you that a mistake that costs you a fraction of buy-in in the early stages of a tournament could be costing you multiple buy-ins if you are near the endgame stages.